
Dec 15, 2009

The FedEx man just came with a package from our mortgage lender and good news was inside! They accepted our home modification agreement and our new loan will allow us to stay in our home. We have been in this process for months and have known that foreclosure was the next step our lender would take if they didn’t accept the modification. We have been preparing to leave our home, but haven’t known what we would do or where we would go. At first we assumed we wouldn’t be here for Christmas, but as the months have dragged on we started to hope that we would be.

And now…we get to stay forever!

We love it here.


I think this is why I just couldn’t get up the gumption to clean my room or office. Why put time into cleaning something that you’ll have to be leaving soon? Now cleaning will have new meaning.

Thank you to everyone who has been praying for this with us. We are so grateful.

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  1. LaPriel


    • tracy

      Yes, what a wonderful Christmas present…the gift of staying in our home!

  2. I am so happy for you! You do have a wonderful home. :)

  3. Praise be go GOD…there will be two births in one house!!

    • tracy

      You really think so??????!!! I never really know if another baby will ever grace my uterus for more than a few weeks again.

      Imagine that…two births in the same house!

  4. Anne

    Oh my goodness. I am so happy and relieved for you. I can’t imagine you having to move. What a great gift. Be smart.

  5. Kari

    I’m so happy! This takes a great deal of stress off of my mind! Congratulations!

  6. jessica

    Congratulations!!!! My family members just had their auction delayed so where we thought we would know what was going on by this afternoon we have to sit on pins and needles for another month.