a day in the sun

Aug 23, 2010

I have stepped to a whole new low.

I am stealing a blog post…and not just linking to it, actually cut and copying it over to here.

You see, I helped my mom use my pictures for her post on Bear Lake and don’t have any time left to do a post myself! So, in the spirit of delegating (surely, delegating is what it is, not thievery??), I just copied her post from Weighing Matters.

Remember this is her version, not mine. The dance description is especially hers…trust me, you will see. I could have never typed those words with a straight face.

From the Grommer:

“Even with a ton of wind and not being able to use the new 12X12, I thought our little get together at Bear Lake was a great day. Scott started talking about one last hurrah while we were still up at Green River Lakes a couple of weeks ago. We tried to plan a date when most of us could get there, but we still missed Steev and Leonard because they were heading to set up hunting camp in the Ham’s Fork area near Kemmerer. Their tradition of hunting-almost every-weekend-for-two-months trumped our tradition of going to Bear Lake one of the last weekends in August for a sun/fun day.

“I loved playing with Annesley and Fisher. They are so dang delightful and full of innocence and laughter. They are ready to play catch, get twirled around with toes skipping over the water, or share a handful of grapes with Grommer. That’s me. Grommer, Bommer and Mommer all mixed up in one. I love, love, love that they include me in their play. Fisher obsessed about a frog he and Papa caught and Annes played with her purple spider. They both tossed balls to me which they then ran and got before I could get my hands on them. What can I say? They are so fast!




“Kelle’s belly and Gibbs got a lot of my attention, as well. I can’t seem to keep my hands off the two of them. I’m always rubbing Gibbs around and around on her cute little belly hoping that he’ll recognize me in about 6 more weeks when he comes to earth. He’s almost 35 weeks and has just a little more time to gain some weight, develop his lungs and get a nice strong heart to love me even more than he surely must already.

“Scott was his usual charming, hilarious, irreverent self, ever entertaining us and playing with Annes and Fisher. He teases mercilessly until we can hardly keep from wetting ourselves. He and his friend, Austin, fresh out of laser surgery, enjoyed the sun and waves even though swimming was out of the question for her. I’m not sure, but I think Scott had something in common with the full moon in one of the pics that Tracy took. Austin is quite the refined, wonderful, energetic, athletic, strong, wonderful [oops, said that twice!] woman we met at Green River Lakes and we’ve enjoyed having her at a couple of our get-togethers. We’re all hoping some of her refinement and good manners rub off.



“Logan and Caleb wore each other out playing football, tackle, first one to the beach, first one to the water, first one to eat a ton of cookies, first one to eat a sandy sandwich, first one to the car, first one to the pizza, etc., etc., etc. They seem to compete in everything they do. They are both great guys, if not exactly the most well-behaved.

“Keziah had a friend, Jessica, to play with all day. They were inseparable in and out of the water. They even got lost together at one point. Blythe hoped Andie would be there and when she wasn’t, read most of the day. She did go out into the water several times, though, and we all swam to the buoy a couple of times. She’s such a fun, beautiful, talented young lady. And a very good swimmer. After trying to swim to the second buoy, I dare say I was pooped and she just giggled at my attempt to get back to where I could touch the bottom. I thought my lungs would collapse! Tradition.


“For me, the highlight of the day was when after a long, sunny and fun day we decided at the last minute to go to Bear Lake Pizza and give it our best to consume Old Ephraim, a 30-inch pizza with three toppings. It was big enough to serve our whole group, and then some. I believe I heard someone say it was $55 for just the pizza [Gasp! I surely have never heard of such a thing! I’m just as sure my frugal father would turn over in his grave!] It took nearly an hour to cook and about that long to eat.




“I’m so glad we had this last day of f.u.n. together. Now we’re all back to work, back to routine, back to normal, and already looking forward to next summer.


“PS: The three of us choreographed a synchronized swimming routine that was both elegant and creative. I, of course, made up most of the steps, drawing from my ginormous reserve of hot moves. It was very precise as we counted all our steps to eight counts. The dance itself included smart twirls, can-can kicks, a forward dolphin dive, a pyramid, and a few line dancing moves. Many people on the beach watched open-mouthed as we practiced and then performed this once-in-a-life-time event. I can still hear the cheers as we bowed, and then bowed again to all of them.”

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