so much done, so much to do

Nov 21, 2010

Oh my goodness, I am supercalifragilisticexpialidocious proud of us! We have accomplished so much! Just this week we have:

1. Cleaned out the drive-me-out-of-my-mind-ginormous-clutter-room (thanks to Jessica!)

2. Created a lovely working space for creativity galore.

3. Made Fisher’s curtains (yes, I did it all by myself!)

4. Vacuumed and mopped I don’t know how many times.

5. Cleaned both bathrooms.

6. Redecorated the upstairs bathroom.

7. Finished the bathroom curtains with the amazing Kat and her quick-as-light sewing help.

8. Brought in our playhouse we built for the older girls back in 2001 or so and created a play space for Fisher and Annes.

9. Magic Erasered almost all the walls of this house.

10. Taken out LOADS of garbage.

11. Cleaned out the vacuum.

12. Built storage shelves for the clutter-room.

13. Hung up the ABC and hundred number charts.

14. Hung up our timeline.

15. Took a load of stuff to DI.

16. The dress-ups were sorted out (and some given to DI).

17. A dress-up hook was hung for eight outfits to be out at a time.

18. The Mary Engelbreit calendar project was started…then I ruined the first one…and I am pondering how to proceed from here. Need to finish it tonight though!

19. On top of all this cleaning/organizing/creating/etc. I also played my cello at Festival of Trees, taught my two classes at iFamily, watched Keziah sing at Festival of Trees, was the Meeting Mother at Liberty Girls, taught gymnastics (and held the 6th semi-annual headstand contest), fed my children umpteen times, bathed and showered several times, read three of the Imaginarium Geographica books (they are pretty addicting!) and tried to fit some sleep in there. I am completely wiped out and SO ready for my family to come starting tomorrow. I just wish I had finished all the stuff down below.

What is left? Unfortunately lots. My bedroom got halfway done last week and that is probably as far as it is going to get. I don’t have it in me to stay up all night long. The storage room that got mostly cleaned a few weeks ago needs cleaned again. The garage needs cleaned out. I am horribly behind on laundry and my dryer is covered in clothing that needs dealt with. My freezer needs cleaned out. Blythe’s curtains need made. Blythe’s room needs finished (but she has worked diligently on it…it is just a gargantuan task). Groceries need bought. The pantry needs cleaned out. The top of the fridge is covered in dust (at least 1/2 inch thick – what can I say? I can’t see it up there!). My Usborne shelf needs cleaned off.

I know you all want pictures, but my camera battery died during the headstand contest. I think there is another one here somewhere, so when I finish the calendar project I will look for it and snap some pictures of it all.

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  1. Anne

    Oh my gargantuan heck!

  2. WHEN did you sleep? That’s a huge list… must feel excellent to check it all off!

    (Sometimes, I make extremely, stupidly detailed lists, just to have the feeling of accomplishment when I check small steps off… :) )

  3. Tami

    Liz, I do that too! Anything to keep me motivated! ;)