fiar: mike mulligan and his steam shovel

Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel by Virginia Lee Burton is our Five In A Row book of the week. Today we read it for the first time and Fisher and Annesley thoroughly enjoyed it. Tomorrow we will talk about perseverance and “working a little bit harder and a little bit better.” Later in the week we will discuss the art work and use our watercolors to paint some big machines, talk about other steam powered machines and try to build one of our one, and maybe dig a hole in our yard with our little shovels for the fire pit we are trying to build this summer.
FIAR is such a great program. Fisher loves having his reading time with me each day and by the end of the week he is really fallen in love with the book. If you haven’t heard of FIAR, just search the internet and you will find oodles of information about it.
I love this book. FIAR sounds like such a great program. Too bad my kids are teenagers.