weary of this job

Aug 20, 2011

So, after a very busy week working on iFamily Leadership Academy issues: registration, membership, policies & procedures, and myriads of other details that needed dealt with right this very minute, I decided to tackle the school room reorganization project.

Now, if the room had been clean and decluttered prior to starting, it still would have been a huge project to empty all the book shelves and the armoire and to flip flop the room. Unfortunately, the room was no where near clean and was so full of clutter that this has turned into a ginormous project involving each member of the family. Due to my lack of strength I have needed Richard’s help in moving all the furniture, Keziah and Blythe have been doing a lot of the cleaning and Fisher and Annesley have been our errand runners.

It is now five in the afternoon and I am thoroughly exhausted. I had wanted to go in to town today and help Keziah price out supplies for the class she is teaching this year at iFamily. Instead, I have spent the entire day on this project. I was up all night tossing and turning about a yucky situation and now I am so ready to crawl into bed and sleep for hours on end.

But, I am not done. I have to finish putting all the books back on the shelves, sorting out the clutter, and figuring out where the remaining stuff needs to go. I know if I give up at this point it will still be like this come Christmas. Seriously. I am that bad of a housekeeper.

On the upside, I have learned some things about myself last night and today and although the learning of them has worn me right out, I am grateful for the lesson. I learned I can be a good friend even when it is hard.

Another upside is the way my children fall in love with our learning supplies all over again when they are in new places. As we have spent the day sorting through thousands of books, they have found so many treasures they want to delve into and their interest in learning is shooting sky high. Keziah has been gathering every book in our home that deals with Early American history for her history undertaking this year. We still haven’t bought her Beautiful Feet History pack, but we have gobs of other books covering that era and she now has them all in a box so she can have ready access all year long and won’t have to search through the bookshelves.

I have completely emptied out our school closet and am turning it into a “magic” closet that will have different things in it every day (or at least weekly) and my children will never know what to expect. Of course, I haven’t figured out where to put the stuff that was in it!

Well, Keziah and I are done with our little break, so I guess I better get back to work.

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1 Comment

  1. Anne

    I have been WONDERING where you were and what you were doing! Long time no hear . . . Hope you get all done!