little annes is not so little anymore

Just ask her.
She will proudly stick up four chubby little fingers and tell you she is GROWING UP!
Our Thanksgiving weekend baby just turned four years old.
How can that be I wonder?
It doesn’t seem possible that she is fully out of toddler-hood and fully into big-girl-hood.
And yet, she is.
Just ask her.
Since her birthday is always right around Thanksgiving she usually gets gobs of presents from her aunts and uncles and grandparents. This year proved no different and she came home with two bears, one lion, a twistable crayon and sketchbook set, and an adorable pink purse shaped like a puppy. We all adore her…how can we not adore this face?
Snuggling with Cousin Andie
Opening presents
Isn’t this a great outfit from the thrift store! ($8.50!)
The pink puppy purse
She personally designed her birthday cake (Mint Moosetracks ice cream with Oreo crust and chocolate chips on top) and let everyone know if they could have a big piece or a little piece. I was glad I was on her big piece list because it was delish!
Blowing out the candles
The inside of the cake (is it still called cake if there is nothing but ice cream and oreos in it? Or is it some kind of frozen confection?)
Some of the party guests
She started out the day with finding her hidden presents and then moved on to a blueberry pancakes and scrambled eggs breakfast (neither of which I think she ate). She colored and played with her animals for the rest of the day while her sister threw up all day long and everyone else shopped, ate leftovers, played Rook, watched football and movies, and laughed ourselves silly.
Her birthday book this year is so stinkin’ cute! Gyo Fujikawa is my new favorite illustrator and I am on a mission to collect all of her books. She has an ABC book that I think I must add to my voluminous collection of 26-little-letter works. She also has a Mother Goose, A Child’s Garden of Verses, and several counting books.
Aren’t the illustrations delightful?
We have been reading her several stories a day and so far they are all big hits.
This morning while she was taking a bath with me I asked her “Are you my son or my daughter?” and she quickly replied “I am your SUNSHINE!”
Yes, she surely is.
Happy Birthday Sunshine.
Happy birthday Annes!! I can’t believe she’s already 4! I do have to say that she has the BEST taste in birthday cake – that’s my favorite!!
Yes, it was SCRUMPTIOUS!
You should have driven through Logan so you could have some!