a moment of normal

Nov 13, 2014

Tonight I feel like a normal human being. A human being who doesn’t pass out, can walk through the grocery store, and walks at a normal speed. I haven’t felt this normal for weeks and especially not for the past five days since the shaking incident on Saturday. I spent Saturday – Wednesday in bed recovering. Then yesterday I was moving vvvveeeerrrrryyyy slowly as I made my way through the halls at iFAMILY and then to the Cross-Country Awards Banquet and then the Evening of Excellence program last night.

Jeremy worked on my inguinal ligament again today and said all the shaking on Saturday set me back on my healing time quite a bit. He would really like me to find a brace to hold my hip socket in place and give the muscles a break so they can heal. And while all of that is kind of depressing, I walked normally today. Normal speed, normal gait, normal heart rate, normal everything.

AND I TOOK MY BOY ON A DATE! Like a normal mother. A date with yummy food, a trip to the bookstore for a new Star Wars book (goodness, he is obsessed with all the Star Wars stuff!), and a quick trip into Sam’s Club for some staples like cheese, sour cream, and tortillas.

Oh, my stinking heck. What a blessing to feel like a normal human being for one afternoon.

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  1. Valena

    YAY for being normal!! Praying that you can have more of these kinds of days. You are such an amazing mom, and I really love you :)

  2. Several people asked about you at church today. I said you had a normal couple of days. When I said it I realized that yours is a new normal, but it was still so wonderful that you had had some good days. I’m always so very thankful for your good ones. [Marla Fairborne, Jim Levine, Terri Isom, Mary Anderson]

    • tracy

      These past 4 days have been so, so lovely. I was able to take Fisher on a date, go to Costco, and smile and have fun. Oh, my goodness, SO EXCITING! I am trying not to be terrified of the ice and the possibility of slipping.