another shot at some eensy-weensy goals

Jan 4, 2015 by

It is a time of resolutions, is it not? People are choosing Word of the Year, setting new goals, and making changes in their lives.

I am not up to any big resolutions or even a small resolution. It feels simply overwhelming to think of making or committing to anything for the long-term.

But, the change of the years has hit me and I am succumbing in a few small things. Two years ago, we started setting four small goals every week during Family Council. It didn’t last long at all, because on January 8 of that year was the fateful day of the first passing out/shaking episode. Today, I decided to start the process again, so we all set our goals tonight and are going to endeavor to accomplish them.

Here are mine for the week:

Physical: Take my supplements every day.
Spiritual: Read To My Friends each morning after scripture study.
Academic: Read one chapter of Understanding the Times.
Random: Make bed every day.

One of my favorite goals set tonight was Annesley’s random goal. She decided she would play outside for 6 hours and 99 minutes this week. I almost said that was not an appropriate goal, but then I remembered reading about the 1000 Hours Outside project and decided to encourage her instead.

The other change I am implementing is to start a Bullet Journal in an attempt to organize my life in some small measure. My notebook isn’t here yet, so today I am starting it in a different notebook so I get in the practice of doing it. As soon as I have a few weeks under my belt I will share my thoughts about the system and let you know if I think you should run for the hills or give it a shot.

In other news, I attended church today for the first time in a month and it was especially sweet to partake of the sacrament and ponder the atonement. I don’t know what it is about church that sets my body off, but it continues to be a place of lots of POTS episodes despite my trying to do everything I can to prevent them. Today we had a few close calls of me almost crashing to the floor, but we made it through and tonight I am feeling pretty good.

Tomorrow we are starting back on our regular learning/living/cleaning/eating/sleeping schedule. It seems we have been quite derailed ever since my fall on the 7th – nothing has been happening on any sort of regular routine all month. So, as it is now nearly 10 p.m., I better hit the sack so I can be up for 6 a.m. scripture study.

What resolutions/goals/changes are you implementing?

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those goals of mine

Mar 11, 2013 by

Well, I bombed on the goals last week.

Maybe not completely bombed – I did make my bed every single day. I did a few three-second pushups during the week, but nowhere near ten a day. I didn’t even crack open The Jew and The Lotus. I didn’t do anything on my Word Study on Promise. So, pretty much bombed. But remember, I did get lots of other stuff done and held a successful Passover Seder, so I am still giving myself kudos.

I am determined to keep trying to improve in four areas each week. I may need to develop some other strategy to create success rather than just posting my goals and my weekly failures here, but for now I am going to post them again and psyche myself up to do them.

Physical: Sleep with my poultice every single night.
Spiritual: Word Study on Promise.
Academic: Read ten chapters of The Jew and The Lotus.
Random: Be kind and cheerful to Blythe while we look/shop/possibly sew???? a prom dress this week.

I can do this right? I can spend time doing things that are important to me. I can choose to take time to be holy. I can choose to love. I can choose to take care of my body. I can.

I’ll be back here next Monday to let you know how I did.

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and the race is on

Mar 4, 2013 by

Boy howdy, this is going to be a busy week chock-full of meetings, commitments, extra ballet, lots of preparation for a Passover Seder on Saturday. And I am full of big plans to go along with it. Remember those 4 goals of the week we started back in January? Well, that plan was quickly derailed when I started having seizures and passing out. Now that my life is starting to be more functional again, I am going to get back on my goal bandwagon again.

Physical: Ten 3-second push-ups every day.
Spiritual: Word Study on Promise throughout the scriptures.
Academic: Read 5 Chapters of The Jew and the Lotus
Random: Make my bed every day.

So far today I have made my bed. And I am starting Morning Devotional on time…not a stated goal this week, but a never-ending goal it seems! The rest of the week is going to have to run without a lot of snaggles if we are going to pull it all off. Last night we moved the furniture out of the family room so we can build the Passover Table. I need to have a power packed Learning Time with my children, then prepare for iFamily classes and clean my carpets this afternoon. Tomorrow I have an iFamily board meeting, Wednesday is iFamily, Thursday is Swim Camp registration, Passover set-up, and Pack Meeting, Friday is gym and any left-over Passover set-up, Saturday is a Mentoring Class in the morning and our Seder that evening. We have ballet this week on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, so my girls will be gone a lot. Somehow before our board meeting tomorrow I need to create a scholarship application for iFamily. On top of all of this, my sweetie’s birthday is tomorrow and I need to figure out some special way to celebrate his existence on the planet. Whew.

See what I mean? I am so glad every week isn’t like this.

I knew it was going to be a busy week before the Seder got added in a few days ago. I am teaching a Jewish Festivals class for adults at iFamily and I promised my students I would host a Seder for them so they will know how to hold one in their own families. I was picturing it happening very close to the same time as our family’s Seder on Passover, which is March 25 this year, but they all voted to have it early so they have time to prepare for their own. It is all worth it. It is going to be wonderful and I am excited to share this special feast with my students, but right now, I don’t see how I can get from here to there in the next five days.

With God all things are possible, right?

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new plan for goals

Jan 7, 2013 by

If you know me at all, you know I *hate* structure. I have a really difficult time implementing structure into my life because the yellow part of me rebels…but I have been pondering paths to growth and have decided to implement a new plan for goals.

Richard meets with the children one-on-one most Sundays and has what we call a Mentor Meeting. They talk about their studies, their lives, their relationships, their fears and dreams. They set goals for the week and make commitments. It is one of the best things we do in our family, especially now that Richard is gone so much. He tries to connect with their hearts and encourage them in their learning. Yesterday we decided we needed to have a stronger focus on small weekly goals. At the end of Family Council last night, we told everyone our plan and they ran downstairs and picked out a new composition book to decorate and make into a Goal Book. Then they had their individual mentor meetings and set four goals for the week. They will report on their success next Sunday. Richard and I also set our goals for the week…whew, now I am accountable!

We decided to have four goals in four different areas: physical, spiritual, academic, and random. I *think* I will post my goals here each week so I feel a bit more accountable…putting it out there in public will have more people asking me about it and will move these things to the forefront of my mind, right?

Mine for January 6th:

Physical: Ten 3-second push-ups each day
Spiritual: Kneel down for personal prayer every morning and night
Academic: One hour of personal study each day
Random: Make my bed each day

Today I have made my bed. Need to start on the push-ups and still need to have my morning prayer. I have no clue how to squeeze in an hour of study today, but I really need to start studying for my upcoming class on Jewish Festivals. Hopefully learning time with my kiddos will go smashingly well today and I will be able to study from 4:00 – 5:00.

I would love for this to actually work and for us to actually stick with it. Wish us luck!

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