cinderella: the trip

Friday night was the fulfillment of a dream for my Blythie. She has dreamed of becoming a ballerina for pretty much her whole life. I have never been able to make ballet classes happen for her until this year…and now she is in whole-hog. She dances for two hours a night, three nights a week. It has overtaken our life and has been an amazing experience to see her progress so quickly. She was moved into the advanced class after three short weeks in the beginning class and was invited to go on pointe soon after that. However, we were hesitant to allow her to do so and wanted her muscles and ligaments to have more time to strengthen before we allowed her to walk around on her toes. Her Christmas presents this year were The Barefoot Book of Ballet Stories, a gift certificate for pointe shoes, and a gift certificate to see Ballet West perform Cinderella.
Well, Friday night was the night for the ballet in the big city. Her friend Madison received the Ballet West trip for Christmas as well and both Madi and Blythe allowed Keziah and her friend, Courtney to attend with them. We left gym a little bit early and drove the 3+ hours down to Salt Lake City and met my mom, Mikelle, Easton, and Oaklyn for dinner at our favorite place, The Old Spaghetti Factory. Then we rushed over to The Capitol Theater for the ballet. What an experience! People were in fancy-schmancy fur coats and elaborate evening gowns. The girls’ eyes looked to be popping out of their heads as they looked at all the beautiful architectural designs throughout the building. The ballet was so lovely…hilarious and inspiring and beautiful all at the same time. My favorite part was listening to them shriek with amazement at the different moves they were seeing because through the last six months of classes, they have learned how difficult those moves really are.
We only had Keziah’s little camera with us and the lighting was terrible, so these pictures aren’t the best, but they will have to do.
Staring at the Ballet West sign
The artwork alley right outside Ballet West – Courtney is a little bit of a goofball sometimes..
Posing in the Capital Theater.
A fancy chair in the balcony, terrible lighting, but they loved this set-up.
On the staircase.
They are a lil’ bit excited.
They died over the ceiling and chandelier.
The next day a massive snowstorm hit Salt Lake City and we drove very slowly to the Salt Lake Temple and spent several hours there doing baptisms for my ancestors. It was such a lovely experience. I met a wonderful woman who I am sure is going to become a dear friend and loved spending time with all four of “my girls” in the place I love best.
After we finished at the temple I took the girls to Gardner Village. I haven’t been there since I was a young lass and it was so fun to introduce these girls to the special shops that I fell in love with long ago. The quilt shop was full of fun sayings that I want to stitch up and put all over my house. Don’t you love these:
Cinderella is proof that a pair of shoes can change your life.
Or how about…
The roots of a family tree begin with two hearts aflutter.
And I love this one…
It takes each of us to make a difference for all of us.
I think this needs to be shouted from the rooftops…
Love isn’t something you fall into . . . it’s something you grow forever.
This was on a quilted wall-hanging that I wanted to bring right home with me.
To capture a miracle, you must first believe.
This one was in the antique shop on the back of a church pew. Mother Teresa is full of win.
There is a net of love by which you can catch souls.
And I think Jennifer needs to hang this on her wall outside her awesome sewing room.
Welcome To Our Sewcial Lounge
The girls went from store to store trying on scarves and shoes. They fell in love with these shoes.
And these ones.
And especially these ones.
I’m not at all sure if Courtney liked these glasses or not.
But I think she loves this pillow.
I don’t think the girls were supposed to make themselves at home on the beds and couches, but they right comfy, don’t they?
What was Madi doing?
Was she really this tired?
Courtney got back into the swing of things. Here is she kicking up her heels.
This store had awesome lacy, ruffle shirts on clearance for $5.99. Of course, we all had to stock up. And I’m pretty sure Kez and Court spent some time at that fudge shop in the back.
They got a huge kick out of the ducks wandering the premises.
Especially this one with a “hat” on his head.
I went to the Storybook shop and used my 25% off coupon to get Tell Me A Story Cards. Goodness, these are fun! They are similar to the Story Cubes I used last year in Zing!, my writing class, but tons better, especially for the younger set. You lay out the lovely picture and then create a fairy tale to go with the pictures. We are loving these! I couldn’t resist this Mix & Match 1-2-3: A Touch and Trace Counting Book. Annesley and I have had a blast counting planes, trains, and teddys. She loves making sure all four quarter-pages match. I love the traceable numbers, dots in sets of five, and the engaging activities.
After the fun at Gardner Village, we rushed over to Hale Centre Theatre for Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. It was FANTABULOUS! If you are anywhere near Utah, go to this show! We laughed so hard at the actor’s antics. A trip to Hale wasn’t in our plans this time, but thanks to half-price tickets and a last-minute cancellation by one of their season ticket holders, we were able to get in off the waiting list. Hint: just because a show says sold out online doesn’t mean it is so. It just means there are less than twenty seats available. Call anyway!
When we got out of the play at 7 p.m., we found a wet, messy, blizzard had taken over the roads. Everything was so, so slick and cars were off the road all over the place. We made the choice to stay over another night to avoid driving home in pure craziness. We headed back to Jessica’s parents for another night in their home full of love and I think this time the girls got some sleep. We were up early the next morning to head up to Idaho in time for church, but we still didn’t make it. I arrived in the nick of time to teach my Relief Society lesson on faith, but the other girls missed their meetings. Drat it all!
What a fun, fun trip! I love taking these girls on adventures and am so grateful their families are willing to let me steal them every now and again for these magical experiences. I am grateful to have daughters that love theater, culture, the temple, and spending time with me. I am so blessed.
Tracy, I love your blog! You inspire me! I need your help and advice and encouragement. I’m emotional right now. Super emotional! I told you that I am making the jump/switch to homeschool my kids this fall. I have invested in a program through American Heritage School (private faith based (lds based) school that I just LOVE). I’ve been so excited and so nervous. I feel great about the curriculum and am thrilled that there is an already established network system there for me.
The part why I’m emotional. I just learned that I’m expecting again. (My baby is 9 months). Although I am excited, it is VERY VERY much a surprise! Noone knows about this tid bit of exciting news yet. I am so full of anxiety however with the thought of teaching my children this fall when I will be in my third trimester and having a baby soon after we start. I already am concerned with how my children will cooperate with this new way of learning. I know that the first year of homeschooling is often the most challenging. What am I to do? I fear that I won’t be able to really devote the time I want to this curriculum now and “being” with my children. I am heartbroken in a way. Please don’t misunderstand, it’s exciting that another little spirit will be joining our family, but all of a sudden I am lacking the courage to move forward in this direction. I don’t know what words of encouragement you can offer. Is it wrong to keep my kids in public school or should I follow this feeling I’ve had to teach them here? I know ultimately I need to seek my answer from God. I think I’m just scared that I will continue to feel that I should teach them. Blah! I wish I had your faith dear cousin!
Oh Melissa! I love you! My heart is with you. I TOTALLY understand the thoughts and trepidations running through your mind right now. My pregnancies are quite incapacitating and I always wonder how we will make it through, but we do and YOU WILL. God has put these feelings into your heart and He is guiding you. He will continue to guide you. It may look different than you thought it would look, but it will be okay. In fact, it may be better than you planned simply because you will have to focus on you, the baby, and your little family. You will not be able to get spread too thin or have elaborate schemes of what a great homeschooling mother you will be. You will simply have to focus on the basics of work, play, rhythms, learning time, and most of all, simplicity. It may turn out to be the greatest time in your life because you will have to simplify.
I know God is and will help you. I know He loves you. I know He sent this baby to you at this time for a reason that He understands and knows is best. Remember Moses 1:39 – His purpose is to bring to pass your immortality and eternal life and He does not do things that detract from His mission.
With God all things are possible.
Thank you Tracy for making Madison’s dreams come true AGAIN! She had an incredible and lovely time. She couldn’t stop talking about it. Someday when my baby is fine with me being gone, I want to come too! luv u
We love Madi so much. Thank you for letting her join our adventures! Can’t wait till you can join us!