no more wedges

Jan 31, 2014

Note to self: Do not kneel on a slanted, squishy surface when your pubic symphysis is separated.

Next time I’ll see if I can remember that BEFORE I cause myself hours and hours of pain.

After lots of ice, lathering my nether regions with Paine essential oil, a nice warm bath, and staying horizontal for the past nine hours, I am feeling quite a bit better. We will have to see how it is all working in the morning. I have to be better in the next two days because I have a big trip on Monday for dentist appointments in Salt Lake and haircuts with my sister in Wyoming. I don’t have to drive except right in the big city, Blythe can do the rest of the driving, but I do have to be able to be solo parent for two days, get all four children through their dental visits AND have an appointment myself. There will be no other adult with me so I have to be healed enough to make this all work. ARGH.

I was having such a great week – I made it all through iFamily on Wednesday, I have been able to sleep a bit better, and Jeremy said I could start back with my super easy exercises in about a week. So healing is/was happening.

And then I had to kneel on a “cheese” (giant wedge mat) at gym to help a little girlie stuck on her head. It is really so silly that a two-second action can hurt me so badly.

Well, I will be in bed resting for the next few days and helping this cartilage to heal back up. I think I will tackle The Child Whisperer, Give Me Liberty, and some snuggle time with my babies.

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  1. Oh dear Tracy… I’m sorry you are in pain again. So, so praying for super quick healing.

    • tracy

      I’m doing much better today and was even able to tackle a kitchen cleaning project. Thank you for your prayers!