The whole escalator thing wouldn’t happen to many people…that is why it is so hilarious. We watched it to get our brains open to thinking about how we may be stuck in ways of thinking, of doing, of being. How we may have turned off our brains to solving problems or are looking to experts to solve them for us.
About Me
I'm Tracy, a mama with big dreams, crazy ideas, loads of laughter, an insatiable desire to learn, and enormous piles of laundry.
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What is LEMI? This would never happen to me!
LEMI = Leadership Education Mentoring Institute.
The whole escalator thing wouldn’t happen to many people…that is why it is so hilarious. We watched it to get our brains open to thinking about how we may be stuck in ways of thinking, of doing, of being. How we may have turned off our brains to solving problems or are looking to experts to solve them for us.