thankful thursdays 3/31

Mar 31, 2011

* So thankful the quilt stitched with love for Natasha and Jacob turned out beautifully and is all the way finished! I couldn’t have done it without the words of advice from Kat, Jessica, and my mom, Melda’s spray adhesive, Richard’s ingenious help in spraying all the parts together, and Jessica’s middle-of-the-night binding job. Thank you to everyone for your help. It means the world to me!
* I’m so thankful for all the help I get from my homeschooling community. We are in the midst of long Shakespeare rehearsals and all of us are working together shuttling youth back and forth, taking care of little ones, and bolstering each other when the days are long. It is simply amazing to me that a group of ordinary moms and youth can put on a play that is so fabulous!
* I had the privilege of giving my friend, Sarah, a Mother’s Blessing on Saturday night. I am so thankful to be able to connect with other women and nurture their souls. We had the grandest time and it was the perfect ending to a really hard week.
* I am thankful for my husband’s fathering skills. In spite of working long, long hours, he is still trying his best to spend time with our children. This week he and Blythe had a date of watching Fellowship of the Ring after everyone else was asleep and on Friday, he and Keziah have a date. Every Wednesday he and Fisher go to Grandpa’s house and work on Grandpa’s airplane project. I have long held that if a girl feels accepted and cherished by her father, she won’t feel a need to find that love from some teenage boy and I am grateful he is trying so hard to fill their hearts with his love.
——————————————————————————————————————————–* My dishwasher has been on the fritz for awhile and we have been washing everything by hand. I tried it again a few days ago and miraculously the dishes came out clean. I am really hoping this lasts because it is nearly impossible for me to stay on top of dishes without the help of modern technology.
——————————————————————————————————————————–* I am thankful for the mystery friend who gave my heart a huge lift last Friday by leaving presents in my suburban at gym. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I have been out of popcorn for a little while and I even got to have my own bowl of it this week because of you. Your thoughtfulness got me through the weekend and will strengthen me for a long time to come.
——————————————————————————————————————————–* One of our cell phones drowned when we were at the TJED Forum and once again a hero came to our rescue and gave us one of their old ones. Thanks Tyra! It gives me huge piece of mind to know my children can get a hold of me when I am out of the house.
Another day is here…off to conquer it…or at least survive it!

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1 Comment

  1. Anne

    What a week you’ve had! Hope you have time to enjoy conference and some sit-down time with the fam!