the signs we should be wearing

Sep 3, 2011

My dear friend, Jodie, shared this post with me and now I must share it with you. It is deep and powerful and is giving me great pause on this glorious Saturday morning.

Read it, think about it, see if it is a message that resonates with you.

My sign?

I have just been though five months of deep concern for my health and I have no clue what I need to do about the estrogen in my breasts, so if I don’t seem as bubbly and chipper as usual it is because I have been staring cancer in the face. Please be gentle.

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  1. Tasha

    That is an amazing post. I want to save it and always remember it. Tracy, you are such an amazing person who is so heavily relied on by everyone around you. Hopefully we can find ways that you can rely on us, too. I think you have handled this whole experience in an amazing way. We all love you!!!

  2. tracy

    Tasha, I love you. I can’t express enough how dearly I love your family and am so grateful for your presence in my life. Each of the Lamoreaux clan has blessed me greatly…and I DO rely on you!

  3. jessica

    My sign: I’m an idiot, and I apologize in advance for anything I might do or say. I don’t mean to be so prickly and horrible.

    • tracy

      Prickly and horrible you are not…but I love your sign anyway! I need one that says:

      I have impulse control. Please forgive me if I burst in on you, interrupt your conversations, or in any other way take you by surprise.