
Mar 10, 2013


We made it through this very full week – and not only barely hanging on with our fingernails, I think we did it with glory!

Sunday we traveled to Logan to attend Miss Oaklyn Noel’s baby blessing. It was a wonderful day with family, friends, and yummy food, and thanks to Richard’s driving the rest of us were able to get a nap in.

Monday we cleaned the carpets, got Keziah to an extra ballet class, had a great visit with our friends, Rachael and Ryan, who brought us yummy cake, read some of Freckles, and made it to bed at a somewhat decent hour.

Tuesday we learned and cleaned and prepared for the days ahead AND had a huge breakthrough with parenting one of our children – can’t really share it, but it took up an enormous amount of energy that day and could have ended very badly, but through a lot of patience and talking and listening and crying we worked it out. That night we celebrated Richard’s birthday with Lemon Meringue Pie – his favorite, and then after presents and snuggles with the kids, I kidnapped him and took him to the 9:40 showing of Les Mis at the $2.50 theater. Five buck date = perfect. It made for a very late night (morning?), but was completely worth being alone with my sweetie for hours watching one of the greatest stories ever told.

Wednesday we taught and took our classes at iFamily, headed up the cleaning of the building, got a car full of girls to ballet, and crashed into bed that night at 7:20 to give my hip some rest.

Thursday we did more learning and cleaning and preparing, all while I conducted Homeschool Swim Camp registration and put together a huge book order with Bluestocking Press. We also attended Pack Meeting for Fisher, Relief Society for me, and ballet for Blythe.

Friday we made it through gym, a matinee performance of Swan Lake, an evening performance of Swan Lake (thanks Jen!), and then Fisher, Annes, and I spent the evening reading stories of knights and adventure.

Saturday was full on Seder preparation. Setting the table takes a full day and while the table was lovely, not everything else got done. But I kept my head about me and didn’t freak out and everything turned out just fine. We had a wonderful evening with my students and friends sharing the beauty of Passover.

Sunday was glorious. I attended all of my church meetings for the first time since January 6. I loved every minute of it. I have so missed partaking of the Sacrament, participating in Gospel Doctrine (Sunday School) and Relief Society (women’s organization) and the fellowship of my ward (local congregation) members. I have been going to meetings for a few weeks, but haven’t made it all the way through till today, so yippee! Banner day for me. The speaker in Sacrament Meeting spoke of faith with such power, I stood in the back crying and basking in the Spirit. I want to be her friend – and I told her so later in the day – I hope she doesn’t think I am crazy! I think we will need to invite them over for dinner or something. We all got a lovely nap in during the afternoon, did some genealogy, and now it is time for reading and scripture time with my family. I love Sundays!

My hip freaked out on Wednesday and again on Sunday, but other than that it held up really well this week, which enabled me to get through the huge list of stuff we needed to get done.


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