pasta insanity

Jul 1, 2009

I ordered some pasta in a moment of insanity. I thought it would be great to help people get some pasta into their food storage and I could earn a little money by driving down to Salt Lake and getting it for everyone. At first it was going to be 1,000 lbs. Then it grew to 2,000 lbs. Then 3,000. It ended up being 3,945 4,145 lbs. of pasta. We had to install trailer brakes on our suburban…$170. We had to borrow a trailer from our good friend, Ray. We had to spend a small fortune on fuel. We had to have Richard reschedule his week so he could come with me and drive because I decided Annesley and I pulling 6,000 lbs. in a suburban that is quite finicky and has 200,000 miles on it was more than I wanted to tackle. When the order grew to over 2 tons, it also changed from a “quick” run to SLC and back, to a drive to a warehouse in SLC, then down to Orem, then to American Fork, and then home. It took much longer than we thought and our muscles are ready to fall off (is that what muscles do when they have moved 4,000 lbs. of pasta 3 times????).

Three times you ask? Yes, three times.

First to load it.

Second, to unload it into perfectly organized piles in our driveway for each person who ordered.

Third, this is what happens when you have finally finished moving 4,000 lbs. of pasta by hand and it is perfectly organized waiting for people to come and pick it up. Storm clouds roll in looking dark and full of rain. Trees are blowing in the wind. Cottonwood seeds are nearly in a tornado in the yard. Panic hits and ALL the pasta must be moved inside very, very quickly.

We finished and fell asleep within minutes; muscles exhausted, stomachs empty, and minds full of this thought, “Tracy, you are completely insane!”

I do believe it is true…I am insane.

I think I will try for whole wheat pasta in October…join me then in the craziness.

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  1. Oh dear. Well hey, it was a good workout and you’ll have some killer muscles. ;)

  2. tracy

    If only my muscles grew that fast! I’m afraid at my age muscles are slow in coming. Everything I’ve got is left over from when I was a svelte girl like you! So run, crunch, bike, lift, all you can now!