fisher’s prayer

Aug 12, 2010

Today was our first day home and after working hard unpacking and doing laundry, we gathered for family prayer.

This was Fisher’s prayer tonight.

Thank you for our family.
Thank you that we could go to Green River Lakes.
Thank you that we can read together.
Thank you that we can help.
Thank you that we can love one another.
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Precious, isn’t he?

Yes, motherhood is all worth it. I know it is exactly what I am supposed to be spending my days doing.

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  1. Anne

    Plenty p.r.e.c.i.o.u.s.!

  2. Jenny Hanson

    What a tribute to you as a mother, conveyed in a little red head’s prayer.

    • tracy

      Jenny, I can’t take credit for him…he is sweet and good and kind all on his own. I get to enjoy him, but not take the credit!