make it for maggie wrap-up

Katherine and I are grateful and filled with love for each and every participant in Make It For Maggie. Words cannot do justice to the feelings we have in our hearts after yesterday’s event.
I walked through the day with a smile on my face and oodles of gratitude in my heart at the greatness of soul that was demonstrated by our community. It was a privilege to spend a day learning, serving, and laughing with you.
There were SO many amazing and wonderful and delightful moments throughout the day. Here are just a few of them.
1. Bill and Linda Watts helped us set up chairs and get each room ready for our classes to begin. We couldn’t have been ready on time without them!
2. Charlene walked in with the box of Handout Booklets at just the right time. We gasped when we saw how beautifully they turned out! They are lovely. Thanks to Charlene Hertzberg for her hours of work putting them together! We hope they prove to be useful in the lives of our supporters and they get used and used and used!
3. Several attendees showed up with friends! Yeah for spreading the love!
4. Check-in was super fun (although a little bit of a bottleneck!) because we were able to speak to each person, give lots of hugs, and connect with our attendees.
5. The decorations, table settings, and the whole flow of our lunch together was FABULOUS! Thank you to Kim, Stevie, and Zoie Conder for going the extra mile to make Make It For Maggie run a gazillion times more smoothly than it did last year. Your efforts are greatly appreciated!
6. Liz sang to us at lunch and what can I say…her voice melts me every time. There were many tears throughout the room. Thank you for sharing your heart with us and blessing us with the gift of music.
7. The Silent Auction was a HUGE success! Thank you for your generous support and for bidding at the last minute!
8. Christine Paugas gave Maggie a cute little knitted turtle…wish I had a picture of it because it is adorable!
9. Our classes were thoroughly enjoyed! One participant said “I have been inspired by this group of amazing women. I can’t wait to come back next year!” Yes, we have wonderful teachers!
10. An anonymous and generous donor wrote us a lovely letter and put it in our donation box. Thank you to whomever you are…and may God shower you with blessings!
10. The Bartell family showed up at 5:00 and said “Put us to work! We are here to clean the building.” Woo-hoo!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
11. When Eric Browning saw that Brian Bartell was the only man putting up tables, he dropped his schedule and got right to work! Thank you Eric!
12. Lots of people put up chairs, swept floors, and got the building put back together! I drove away at 6:39! Yes, only 1 hour and 39 minutes after it ended! Thank YOU to everyone who helped!
13. I received so many wonderful hugs yesterday…and not your average-pat-on-the-back-hugs, but tight squeezes full of love!
14. Another donor, who wishes to remain anonymous, made a very generous last minute donation. She brought Kat and me to tears with her love for the Lear family. Thank you!
15. Melissa Bartell donated money from her Halloween Costume Party…such a fabulous idea! Thank you!
16. Many people brought in door prizes at the last minute and filled our day with fun and lots of winners. A special thank you to my mama, Dorothy, for bringing so many adorable and yummy items! Thank YOU!
17. I was able to snuggle my nephew, Easton, so his overworked mama could attend Jodie’s relationship class. He promptly fell asleep on my shoulder and I was in baby heaven for an hour. Isn’t the sound of a baby breathing in your arms one of the most precious things in the world?
Here are some pictures of our day:
Miss Maggie at lunchtime
Sharing information about some of our donors
Picking Door Prize winners
Lincoln Lear and lil’ guy Damon
Giving Maggie’s mom, Jodie, money for Maggie’s new Proloquo2Go Communication Program and two Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatments. Yippee!!
Jodie sharing her words of inspiration and gratitude for Make It For Maggie. She showed us some of the blessings that came into Maggie’s life through Maggie’s Month last year.
Liz singing her heart out and bringing us to tears
Bill and Linda Watt’s amazing display of preparedness items to use without electricity
Silent Auction
Door Prizes
Making Tea Towels Aprons
Cosette’s Stewardship Approach to Chores class
Amy’s Just Add Water class
Dorothy’s Make It, Take It Wooden Craft Class
Kim, our amazing luncheon chairman
Liz’s Green Smoothie Class
Thank YOU to everyone for making Make It For Maggie a huge success! Thank you for joining with us in Changing The World One Family At A Time. Every single donation from $10 to $500 made a difference and we are humbled to be surrounded by such greatness of spirit.
Please feel our love for you and please spread the word, build the momentum, and join us next year.
I sooo wish we could have stayed in town for such a wonderful event! You ladies are awesome– it looks like it went swimmingly!!! Love you!
I had an amazing, wonderful time. I’m still filled with energy from it! Everyone did a fabulous job! And to see it blessing so many lives is…beyond words for me. Thank you, thank you, all of you.