so ready for a change

I needed a change. I have been sporting an A-line for the last 25 years or so, with a few short departures of perming it, growing it out, and Demi Moore’s Ghost haircut, but I always go back to the chin length A-line. It is a great cut on me. It looks fabulous with my face, is super easy for me to do, I only have to do my hair about once a week with it, and I can tuck it behind my ears which for some reason is my default hair position.
Having said all that, I needed a change. On some deep level, I needed something else. I was hoping for a Meg Ryan You’ve Got Mail look, but it ended up shorter than that and I’m okay with it.
Last night I took off and drove a few hours to my sister’s house and we stayed up till midnight cutting and coloring. When we were halfway done, I decided I had made a huga-mongo mistake and couldn’t believe I was looking at myself in the mirror. Mikelle clipped and thinned and colored and styled and then I styled it some more and then I thought it might possibly work out.
This morning, I got ready for my cousin’s wedding, (why do I always do things like this the moment before big events?) and I started liking it. And by the way, the wedding? One of my favorites. The look on Josh’s face as he looked at his bride melted my heart…such adoration, respect, and protection in his eyes. Love him!
After a day with it, I think I made the right choice. I was feeling congested in my standard haircut. I needed some new energy in my life and I sure as heck have it.
Thanks to Mikelle for putting up with my I-need-you-to-make-me-cute-no-matter-how-long-it-takes insistence – you are a hero!
Unfortunately, I think I’ll have to do my hair every day and may need to invest in the company who makes my pomade – I’ll be needing a lot of it!
Cute! Cute! Cute!
Thanks…people will probably love it or hate…heck, I will probably hate it or love it…regardless, I needed something new and a trim just wasn’t going to cut it!
Ready for some ethics questions? Hoping to get them out in the morning!
I totally understand the need for something new! You look super cute… great change!
So cute!!
I love it!!! I love short hair. I always wonder why I grow my out, especially when I see cute cuts like that. Love the color too.
You look so young, energetic, content, and adorable!
Oh! Love it! Brightens your whole face up.