potw: i like to see

This poem is so Fisher. He would live outside exploring, discovering, and pretending, if only I would let him. But nothing compares to that moment when his papa gets home. Fisher’s devotion is completely focused on his papa and nothing else can take Richard’s place. He follows him around like a little lost puppy ready and willing to do anything his papa asks. It is pretty heart-warming, but I must admit, I sometimes wish I could get the same level of devotion!
I like to see flowers and beetles and things,
I like to see baby birds try out their wings.
I like to see ships bouncing out on the sea,
I like to pretend that the captain is me!
I like to see puppies and kittens and mice.
Sunbeams and showers and seashells are nice.
I like to see bright colored leaves as they fall,
But I like to see daddy come home best of all.