potw: the missing turkey

We have loved this poem for a long time. One of the girls performed it at The Speech Festival we participated in for about ten years and we all could have recited it back then, but I don’t think my younger two have ever heard it. It isn’t the most reverent look at Thanksgiving, but I think we get a lot of that with our other Thanksgiving traditions.
The Missing Turkey
It lay there on the table
That turkey plump and round
But when it was time to carve it
It was no where to be found.We looked all through the kitchen
And in the pantry as well.
We asked Kate if she had seen it
And Rose and Annabelle.Even little Mary
We asked her if she knew
About the missing turkey – and she said
“Of course I do!Poor turkey wasn’t feeling well
Because he lost his head.
So I put my nighty on him,
And tucked him into bed.”
Isn’t that cute!