decorating for christmas

We finally got our decorations (and by decorations, I mean three nativities and lots of books, not anything fancy-schmancy) and tree up today and had our first night of our month-long Christmas devotionals. We are supposed to start on the 1st, but on that night, I was still sewing our advent calendar and came home in the middle of the night to a sleeping house. Last night we bought the tree and got it set up, but it was 10 p.m. by the time that happened, so we went to bed and put off decorating till today.
Nativity the first
Nativity the second…and my favorite one. Maybe someday I will have all the other parts that go to it.
Notice that Mary is holding her precious baby? I cannot handle looking at Jesus in a manger so my nativities have to have him in her arms. This peculiar belief of mine greatly limits the selection of nativities we can buy, which is why we only have two real ones and one soft play one for the kids.
Christmas Books
Decorating the tree (notice the advent calendar hanging on the wall behind me?)
Hanging the star on top
Most of my decorations were made by me back in the winter of 1995 when I was pregnant with Blythe. They aren’t very current, but they are homey and I love them. Tonight Keziah said “we need some new decorations” and Richard responded, “No, we don’t, your mother made these and I hope we are still decorating with them when I am 90.” Warmed my heart right up.
Are your decorations up?
Hey, this sounds a lot like my post!
Dang, I still need to fix this comment section…
ha ha ha ha ha! Love that comment! Wish there were a *like* button. :]
I promise, it will be fixed soon!
Our decorations are not up yet, since we’ve been Merry Birthday-ing all weekend for our Newly Four year old. Why celebrate one day, when you can celebrate for three, right?
Last year, we made the decision to *not* have a tree (no floor space at *all*), and instead hung greenery over the doorways, piano, windows, and mantel, plus wreaths all over, with ornaments and white fairy lights on the greenery. It was so pleasant! We’re going that route again this year.
The Nativity my husband and eldest daughter made will go on the piano.
One thing your munchkins might enjoy is doing the making of a few ornaments. We have done that for years, and since we use things like cardstock, glitter, ribbons, walnuts, and pinecones, I consider many of them “disposable” , though some have lived longer than I anticipated! We have a whole set of gold-painted walnuts with hanging ribbons, and pinecones we “frosted” with glue and colored glitter (the really fine stuff). We may make some silver or bronze-painted walnuts this year, and some applesauce/cinnamon dough cut-out shapes to hang and sniff.
Your decorations sound lovely…and, of course, a three day birthday celebration is the thing to do. We try to stretch ours out as well!
Oh my goodness. I don’t really think this is fixed after all.