the battle for our brains

Oh my, this article may just change my life.
Go read it.
Right now.
Then come back.
I love reading the scriptures. I love immersing myself in the ancient words. I love hearing the voice of the Lord. I have always loved them and have been pretty good at studying them, but I could be so, so, so much better. This summer during the whole lump saga I read and pondered every day. I needed the power within them to fill me up, to feed me. Now that I am not in a crisis moment, my study has been lacking and I feel the difference. I need to go back to the level of study I had this summer because I still need to be fed words of truth.
So, did you read the article? Well, I hope so because I am sitting here typing my thoughts as fast as I can even though it really, really hurts my shoulder to type and even though I need to clean the sewing room and even though I need to clean my desk I am still typing because this is a message that needs to get out to the world and into our souls.
“The battle today, between Babylon and Zion, is being waged between the synapses of our brains.”
I am all about synapses. They were some of my favorite things to study in college and I have continued to be fascinated by them since; and now someone is talking about battles (another favorite topic) AND righteousness (another fave) AND synapses. YES!
This is exactly what I needed to hear to get me back on track with some in-depth personal scripture study time each day. My synapses are being inundated with the things of the world, the fast pace of the world, the endless information that is available with the touch of a finger, and I am going to reclaim them and feed them a slower-paced feast of truth. Now, I am not saying all this information is bad…I love it…it’s just that it can be too much. It can limit our ability to focus on the things of God and it can distract us from pondering because God doesn’t beep us when He has a new message for us and He doesn’t shout at us from across the room to pick up the line. He reaches out to us, he calls to us, but he doesn’t demand that we listen to Him the way so much of the world does.
Was the post life-changing for you as well?
Tracy – just got your pingback and had to say I adore your last line. “God doesn’t beep us when He has a new message for us and He doesn’t shout at us from across the room to pick up the line. He reaches out to us, he calls to us, but he doesn’t demand that we listen to Him the way so much of the world does.” So very true. I almost wish you had written the article! Loved your spin here. I’ll be thinking about “feeding my synapses a slower-paced feast of truth” – simply brilliant. Sending blessings your way.
I have so many people in my life I want to share this message with, to share my “Ah ha” moment with. I hate the whole balancing of technology with what I sometimes call real life, but it is a necessity and at times a great blessing. That article made me rethink my scripture studies and realize that I have slipped into a “read the scriptures because I should” not a “read the scriptures to be better prepared to face the foe” mindset.