day at the lake

What is summer without water and sunshine? A big, fat, boring heatwave! My children have been missing going on hikes, hanging out at the park, and most of all, the lake. So, Saturday, while my mom was here, we spent the afternoon soaking up the sun. I laid on a blanket, mom hung out in a chair and the kids ran around from water to towel over and over again.
Hold your breath…Tracy has found her camera, remembered to take it with her, snapped some cute pictures, and uploaded them for y’all to enjoy. I know, this hip injury has about done my blog in, but at least for today you can enjoy some actual photographic proof our existence!
Noodle-sword fights
Annesley making new friends
And some more new friends…this time surf-board owners
Love his big smile
The goggles crack me up
Now they want to go everyday…and I am pretty tempted to let this be the summer of the lake.
I love summers at the lake! We’ll go with you whenever you want to go. It’s supposed to finally warm up this week on Thurs, Fri, and Sat. I think we’re going to go Saturday after all the scout day camp and pack meeting stuff calms down. When does Blythe get home?
The girls are both gone to camp…how did this happen? How did my babies become young women? We would love to go with oh anytime you go – just shoot me an email!