fix the connection

Yippee! Richard’s new website is up and running! Go check it out at Fix The Connection. We are so excited to launch our new website – and new company – and are praying for it to succeed.
Sidenote: Designing a website for a man who is so incredibly different than I am was a tad bit challenging, but I tried my darndest to have it reflect him, his energy, and the image he wants to project to the world.
So, what is it all about? Well, let me tell you! Richard is an excellent behavioral therapist and he loves working with children and adults of all different stripes. He especially enjoys working with children with autism. He would like to offer his skills to a few families that are committed to helping their children progress and are willing to learn the techniques and implement them in their home to faciliate an optimal learning environment. See, for years he has worked with all sorts of different families. Some have been involved, motivated families and some have not been interested in working with their own child one little bit. Richard has seen over and over again that the children who make the most progress are those whose families partner with him in creating a consistent approach to teaching their child. He wants to spend his time working with those families and share his expertise where it will be the most beneficial.
He is also launching an entirely new area of practice called SimplyHealed Energy Healing. He has been studying and going through the training program for the past several months and has been seeing clients for about six weeks. I may be a bit biased, but I think this is what he was born to do…he has such a gift in this area! His clients are enjoying their sessions and are thrilled with their results. I encourage you to read about it and give it a try. We are seeing profound results in our own home and want to share these blessings with everyone we know.
So, if you or your friends have a child with behavioral or emotional challenges OR if you are ready to clear out the negative energy, pain, and false beliefs from your own life, check out Fix The Connection and spread the word!
I can vouch for Richard’s wonderfulness with behavioral therapy. After only a few visits, my son was doing much better and we have tools and exercises that continue to help, a year or two after the fact.
Thanks Jess! Glad it worked for your family!
Now we just need a gazillion clients!
I would so love to have Richard have a gazillion clients!!!!! Working two jobs [75 hours a week!] with few benefits is for the birds!
He’s helped so many, many autistic kids and others who just needed a little tweak. I’m proud of the way he helps people!
And, I got an energy session, too!!!! I have some serious hang-ups about a whole lot of things and Richard helped me work my way through several of them!
WooHoo, Richard!