smidge of service

Jul 22, 2012

A few days ago I was finally, FINALLY able to give a lil’ bit of service back to a friend who has been serving me for months years. Miss Katherine, amazing cook that she is, has been hired to cater a wedding luncheon and she needed my help to price out all her ingredients. I don’t know why she thought she needed my help, but I was thrilled to be asked and quickly rearranged my schedule to be available for her. I think my only job was to provide laughter as she walked up and down (and up and down and up and down and up and down) the aisles of Sam’s Club.

But, I did my job and I did it well. Sam’s has never seen such goof-ball women having such a grand time pricing out products.

When we were done at Sam’s, another friend was in distress and bawling her eyes out over the state of her house. I was having a really good hip day, so I offered to come clean her kitchen while she got her computer work done. She resisted that plan but I eventually wore her down and ended up kicking her and her sweetie out of the house so I could whip it into shape without any more of her arguing.

Can I just say JOY?

I was so, so happy to do a teensy-tiny bit of service for these two ladies who have been serving me for so long. It was just what I needed to feel useful…and needed.

Thanks girls!

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  1. You and Jen and Kat cheered me right up. I’m so blessed to have you all. xoxox

  2. You did a great job. It was so much fun to spend a day with you! We really do you have the best friends ever! <3