christmas play

On Monday night we helped our friends put on a Christmas program at the Senior Citizen’s Center. We were told there would be about five people there, but there turned out to be 49! It was a bit stressful, but it was also a lot of fun and was a good experience for our family to get out and mingle with the elderly people in our community.
Thank goodness for our friends, the Thomases! They are costume experts and were exactly what we needed! My skills are seriously lacking in the costuming department and Annette is a pro! She made all 18 children look much, much better than they would have if Tasha and I had been left on our own.
Getting everyone assembled
Angel Annesley and Abby as Mary
During our practice run
The performance turned out a gazillion times better than I thought it would! I have a video of it, but it is too big to upload here…anyone know how to compress it? Here is the video..only watch if you adore our children and can smile at the simplicity of the whole thing. Thanks for the tip, Jess!
After the reenactment of Jesus’ birth, Blythe, Keziah, Courtney, Spencer, and Mallory played Oh, Come All Ye Faithful on their violins and cellos. Then Keziah sang The Miracle by Shawna Edwards.
Afterwards the children visited with all the guests and ate piles of cookies. I’m sure the cookies were their favorite part!
Upload it to Vimeo and then just embed the Vimeo code into a blog post. It’ll take a while to upload and render, but it works great.
This was a sweet experience for our family! I am glad we decided to watch your cute and spirit filled production for our Family Home Evening! All of my children thanked me for having them come and see it. Thank you for filling our hearts with the love of the Savior.