tree, gingerbread houses, and friends

My friend, Jodie (of Make It For Maggie fame), brought her whole family to come visit us and taught us how to make gingerbread houses with graham crackers (confession time…I have never made gingerbread houses with my children!). It was so FUN! Mostly because Jodie is a professional make-things-with-children mama (me, not so much) .Jodie had each child’s parts and pieces assembled in their own individual baggies and had each child’s frosting portion in their own ziplock with a small hole cut in the corner. She led them through the build-the-house steps one at at time and then let them loose to create their masterpiece with their own bag of candy. She is brilliant, oh yes, she is.
Annes and Mary
Kat, Jack, and Oz…notice the grass out my back door? Yep, it is still there, no snow yet.
Starting to put the pieces together.
About halfway through…and look, no crying children yet!
Fisher and Trey concentrating hard.
Maggie’s house in process.
Some finished houses.
Two days later we decorated our Christmas tree. I had to try hard not to cry during the festivities as I thought about how few Christmases I have left with all my children at home. These mothering days are growing short and I am feeling a great desire to hold on and savor each and every one of them. I kept looking at Blythe and soon my eyes were full of tears. I love having my children with me. I love being a mother. I think the last few years have been so full of pain and stress and worry that I haven’t enjoyed them as much as I could have. So I am trying to turn a new leaf of full-on savoring.
Everyone working on the tree.
Blythe and Kez spent most of the night wrestling instead of decorating.
Keziah’s muscle pose…it is one we see a lot in pics at our house.
Oh, how I love this mug.
Annesley putting the star on.
The finished tree with my five cuties.
Oh, I love Christmas!