
Sadie gave birth to five puppies last Thursday. This is her smallest litter yet and it seems much more manageable than her 2011 litter of nine. There is one brown one, one black one, and three yellow. The males win out this time with four boys and one girl. They were born in Keziah’s room and have kept her up all night ever since. Sadie is a wonderful mother and takes care of them, but squealing puppies make such a ruckus it is difficult to sleep through. Nevertheless, Keziah is in love with them and wants to keep them all, espcecially the little female. However, she is out of luck. We are a one-dog family (at least I am a one-dog mama) and we are not going to venture down the path of two dogs anytime soon.
When some friends took my little ones to the lake on my birthday I decided to use the unfettered time to clean my room and boy, howdy, did I find some treasures. One of them being my battery charger, which I promptly used to charge my camera batteries so I could take some pictures of these little cutie pies.
This is the female that Keziah loves so much. She spends as much time in Keziah’s arms as she does with her litter mates.
Puppies will be available June 27th. If you want one, put your dibs in now. We want them to go to families who will love them and it is always fun for them to go to people we know so we can watch them grow up!