puppies are growing up

Sadie’s puppies are now about 7 weeks old. They are so stinkin’ cute! If they would stay this size, we might be tempted to keep all of them!
This is Sadie’s little twin – we call him Diego.
So far, my friend Cosette has claimed the cute little black one. The three light honey colored ones are adorable and the lone dark caramel one is a favorite around here. They are all available for adoption for the super low price of fifty buckaroos and will be ready to go home with you next week.
We have thoroughly enjoyed having puppies this time – it is amazing what a difference it makes when there are only five instead of nine! If you would like to make one of these puppies a new addition to your family contact us lickety-split and we will set up an appointment to come look at them and select your new furry companion.
Tracy, we would love to have one..we don’t know which one yet..when can we come over and look at them? I would like my kids to see and decide which one. I personaly like the dark caramel one…anyway let me know when we can come over.
Later this afternoon should work, I will call you, k?