save one life, save the world

Apr 3, 2011

Any readers that have been with me for awhile know that I love doing big projects that touch hearts and change lives. My mind is swimming with big ideas on a regular basis and it is an impossibility for me to stop them. Many of you have joined with me in my “save the world” projects…THANK YOU! Our 500 Pencil Roll Project and Make It For Maggie were huge successes. I am already getting excited for Make it For Maggie this fall. It is going to be even better than last year!

In light of my desire to change lives, I love reading about other people doing great things. Here is one such story. What a hero! He was told he couldn’t rescue the children and he did. When people tell me I can’t do something, I just laugh. I don’t believe in that word and I am trying to eradicate it from my life. We CAN do great things! We CAN be God’s hands. We can change laws, save lives, give hope, teach truth, feed the hungry, smile, stand boldly, fight courageously, and work hard. We CAN and people do every single day. I am in awe of all the good that is done in the world. I hope to play a role in the tidal wave of good sweeping the earth.

Read Nicholas Winton’s story and rekindle your faith in the power of good.

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  1. LaPriel

    Hey Tracy,

    What makes a good children’s book in your mind?


  2. tracy

    Ahhh, the million dollar question!

    Illustrations that speak to a child’s soul…not cartoony, outlandish stuff, but lovely artwork that tells the story. A message that connects core values with themselves. I don’t care for books that speak down to a child, use manipulation or shame, skew the truth, or are just mindless drivel.

    How about you?

  3. LaPriel

    Well said!

    I love beautifully illustrated books! I like them to be simple and deep, true. Books that relate to children’s every day life. I love Mercer Mayer’s illustrated books: A Boy a dog and a frog, Frog Goes to Dinner, One Frog too Many…

    I like everyday type stories about every day people. People doing small things that matter in big ways.

    I also like books that are funny but tell about real life. Such as Weekend with Wendell by Kevin Henkes. He has some fun books that I just love.

    I think it is interesting how some books speak to some kids but not others. Then there are the CLASSICS that seem to speak to almost anyone! The classics also speak on many levels and I like that.

    Here’s one your kids might like if you have not already read it
    The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds It is about creating art.

    Thanks. i’ve been trying to articulate what makes a child’s book a good book.