a little bit of a whirlwind

Dec 15, 2011

I have been a bit busy the past few days and I just want to crawl in bed.

And sleep.

For. a. long. time.

Friday was gymnastics and a youth colloquium on To Destroy You Is No Loss.

Saturday was my 4 hour Adult Worldviews class.

Saturday was also Bella Cantanti’s (Blythe’s vocal group) Christmas recital.

Sunday was church, choir practice for Blythe, and a community-wide choir performance and Messiah sing-in.

Monday was our fun night at the Lamoreaux’s (returned to our home around 11 p.m.).

Tuesday was The Christmas Carol at a local community theatre (returned home around 10 p.m.).

Wednesday was an early morning performance of The Nutcracker, a day full of errands, and then a night performance of The Nutcracker (left at 8:30 a.m. and returned home around 11 p.m.).

Today I was the driver for play practice, ended up staying late to pick up as well, accidently missed Activity Days (Keziah’s rehearsal for a Christmas day performance on handbells), and Blythe had karate tonight. It is now 9 p.m. and I am exhausted physically and emotionally.

Each of these days has also been filled with important conversations with clients, friends, and family, which is good, really, really good, but I am tired and I have no idea how I will actually teach six gymnastics classes tomorrow.

Buck up Tracy! You can do it! (what I am going to keep telling myself until I can fall into bed tomorrow night).

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