time for some big-girl panties

Nov 6, 2014

My Jessica is moving.


The past many days have been spent packing her up and snuggling in bed laughing and crying as we savor these last few moments together. We have not had a good night’s rest for over a week.

Out of nowhere, my eyes fill up with tears and they run down my cheeks.

Oh, this is hard.

I give my heart solace by convincing myself she will be back. She will return to Idaho and her dream of a little farm. We will eat 3 minute chocolate cakes at midnight once again. But, oh, the pain of not having her right down the road is breaking my heart.

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  1. Debbie

    My heart is breaking, too, for all of you. There are no words to tell you how appreciative I am for your wonderful friendship and love for my girl. Thank you a million times for everything you and Richard have done. Oh and, friendships are eternal. She’ll be back. xo

    • tracy

      Oh Debbie, I love you so much! Thank you for taking me into your heart and adopting me into your family. I know God brought your girlie into my life because we needed each other. She didn’t know she needed me, but she most certainly did need my not-gonna-take-no-for-an-answer ways. I knew I needed her and recognized our kinship the first moment I saw her across the chapel full of K. induced nausea. I can’t imagine my life without her…and hope I never really have to face the possibility of her not living down the road from me.

  2. Liz

    Well think on the bright side- you can Skype and crack each other up like you always have. :)

    • tracy

      Oh my, Skype! We would laugh ourselves silly. We have been texting back and forth more than ever before and I miss her like crazy. You know if she was here, I probably wouldn’t have even seen her from Thursday to today, but knowing that isn’t even a possibility hurts in this deep, heart-hurting way.