swim camp 2011

Way back in 2004, four homeschooling families ended up camping together for a week of swimming lessons. We had the time of our lives and decided we needed to create a camping event for all of our friends to be able to attend with us. We wanted it to be a ginormous event for homeschoolers to get out into nature and make deep friendships with other homeschooling families. We wanted to build our community of homeschoolers and make this little corner of Idaho the best place in the world to homeschool.
I think we have succeeded!
This year, we had over 200 people at our Annual Potluck Dinner, more than fifty families join us throughout the week, and hundreds of children playing, swimming, laughing, and learning together. There were the Capture the Flag games that have been played since that very first year, Red-Rover, football, baseball, volleyball, skit night, story time by the fire, an Improv performance, hikes to the cave, snakes captured, lots of delicious treats consumed, meals shared, and hugs given.
I loved snuggling into our tiny camper with all of my children and reading scriptures with them late at night. I loved watching them cheer for each other during their lessons. I loved sitting and visiting with my friends while relaxing in the sunshine. I loved eating my homemade granola with greek yogurt and bananas every day for breakfast. I loved playing a real volleyball game on Saturday afternoon with six players who were awesome. I loved being away from the phone, the internet, and all the distractions of daily living and instead focus on being a mother and a friend. I loved walking across the frost covered grass early in the morning and watching the sun come over the mountain. I loved watching all the children play together…children of all ages having fun together is a rare sight these days when our age-segregated classrooms and sports teams take up the vast majority of children’s time.
Here are some pics of our fun:
Our camping neighbors, the Lamoreaux’s and the Brownings.
An exhausted Keziah after she swam 20 laps to pass her Level 6 swim test.
My camping partner for the past seven years, Mary Beth.
Keziah’s awesome teacher, Tony.
The famous David…anyone who knows about me and swim camp has heard how much I love this swim instructor. He was Fisher’s teacher again this year.
Fisher in his goggle get-up.
Keziah swimming her twenty laps.
One of the many Red-Rover games. Annesley is wearing her signature yellow rain coat that she thinks needs to be worn at all times during a camping trip.
Annesley and Teryn, her third cousin, who came all the way from Colorado to play with us.
Keziah passed Level 6 and Fisher passed Level 2. They are both pretty proud of themselves and I am thrilled I have four children who love swimming and are quite competent in the water. I can’t wait for next year…Annesley will get to be in lessons!