fiar: the red hen

I love, love, LOVE the books that are recommended in the Five In A Row guidebook. We have thoroughly enjoyed all of them that we have done. However, I am not a rule follower of any type, so I like to pick other books for our FIAR books as well. This week, I selected The Red Hen by Rebecca Emberley (yes, of the Emberley family fame – she is the daughter of Ed and sister of Michael and has a whole host of other artists and musicians in the family).
Of course, Fisher already knows this story inside and out, but he doesn’t know this version of it (where the hen makes a cake instead of bread) and he doesn’t know this artwork (which pops off the page and is simply delightful) and I don’t know that the message of everyone-working-together-to-reap-the-fruits-of-our-labors together has really sunk into his heart (or made him the super-duper willing helper I want him to be), so we are reading this book this week with high hopes the message will change some I-don’t-want-to-help behavior. Of course, he doesn’t have any idea that is why we are reading it…we will be talking a lot about the art of the book and making Little Miss Red Hen’s Simply Splendid Cake.
If you are a FIAR family, what are you rowing this week?
I just wanted to say Hi and stop blog stalking ;) I think I found your blog through Jessica’s and have enjoyed it for a few months. I started homeschooling my kids this week (2nd grade, kinder and 3 and 1 year old) so I love your blog for a whole new reason now. I keep hearing about FIAR so after I saw this post I put it on hold at the library to really check it out before I buy it. Thanks!
Welcome Julie! Where are you located? Congrats on the decision to homeschool and please ask anything at all! I would love to help you on your journey!
FIAR is so, so fun!
We’re in N. Utah county. Trust me, after I’ve seen everything your homeschool does, I really wish we were in Idaho! Or, at the least, had a group as awesome. I’m still looking, though.
We would love to have you here…but you can create what we have created anywhere! There are some wonderful families down in Utah County. Do you have any friends to walk your journey with you?
What great artwork your Row book this week has. It’s so fun to teach the kids about different styles of art to appreciate, just as there are various writing styles. We have started rowing a book 3 days a week for two weeks just because it works better for us, leaving me guilt free to make one a make up day! Right now we are reading “Another Celebrated Dancing Bear”. At first it seemed just a fun, silly story, but now having read it half a dozen times or so (who can only read these books once a day, seriously) I see much deeper lessons of friendship and reaching for your goals and happinesses. Yes, happinesses. And homeschool hugs to your new blog friend Julie!