a heart full of love before she leaves

Having our girlie leave for her mission is hard. Really hard. My emotions have been all over the map in the past couple of weeks and I have been grumpy more often than not. But today my heart has swelled up with gratitude. As I put her clothes in the washer today to clean for probably the last time, the past 19 years of memories swept across my mind’s eye and I started weeping with joy that I have been privileged to be this special girl’s mama. I am so grateful to have her for our daughter. I am grateful she is worthy and able to serve a mission. I am grateful she loves God. I am grateful she believes in and relies on the atonement of Jesus Christ. I am grateful she chooses good, uplifting, life-giving pursuits. I am grateful she loves and creates beautiful music. I am grateful her soul is drawn to stories of courage, sacrifice, liberty, and love. I am so grateful for the thousands of hours we have spent learning, reading, and discovering together. I am grateful, oh, so grateful for this precious time I have had her in my home.
Further up and Further In! It is time to grow ever closer to her Father and Savior, to learn to truly love her fellow man in her heart AND her actions, and to do hard things. I am so excited for her!
Congratulations for staying the course that has enabled you to be at home with your daughter; learning together through the good and bad, hard and easy, mundane and profound. No doubt she will shine.
Oh, sweet Blythe!!! I am so excited for you and her. It is a bittersweet thing to send our precious ones out to serve, but it is also wonderful! Way to go, Blythe!!! I am so excited for your mission!!!! Love, Mrs. K. :-)
LOVE this picture of Blythe!!!!! And I’m so glad emotions and feelings are starting to ebb in the direction of happiness. Prayers!!!! Hugs!!!! Faith!!!! Love!!!!