thankful thursdays 10/21

Oct 21, 2010

It has been several weeks since I have taken the time to write my Thankful Thursdays posts. Sorry ’bout that!

* We have had gorgeous, feel-the-sun-on-your-face weather this week. Absolutely perfect fall weather. We have played outside and tried to soak it all in. I love fall. Love the colors, the cool nights, and the feeling in the air. I love when we actually have an autumn season and don’t go straight from summer to snow in one fell swoop.
* I am grateful for my little Fisher. He is smack in the middle of boyhood adventures wherein he catches a variety of insects, mice, frogs, and snakes pretty much every day. He loves these little creatures so much and tries very hard to take good care of them. His little heart breaks when he sees them suffering and sometimes he has to make a hard decision to let them go back into nature so they can stay alive and be happy. He reminds me of the little things in life and shows me how childhood was meant to be experienced.

This week we found six mice in the chicken coop and Richard thought it best to feed them to the cats. Fisher was all gung-ho about the whole thing…at least we thought so. After everyone came back in the house, Fisher stayed outside. I figured he was off trying to catch more mice, but when he came in he had a sheepish, earnest look on his face. I asked him where he had been and he looked deep into my eyes as if trying to assess if he could trust me with his secret. I tried to send my trustworthiness through the air and deep into his heart. Finally, he looked up with tender eyes and said, “They want their lives as much as we do.” I didn’t quite know what he was talking about, but guessed he might mean the mice. He tried again to convince me. “Mom, they don’t want to die, they have families they love just like we do.” I wish I had a picture of the look in his eyes at that moment – it was full of love, determination, and a titch of nervousness that I wouldn’t understand his perspective. Again I sent the message of safety to his heart and he continued “I rescued the mouse from the cat and took it out to the field where it can stay alive.”

Pretty big feelings for my lil’ cutie pie.
* My assistant Math Alive! teacher has taught our class for the last two weeks and it has been heavenly to not have to prepare a lesson. It has breathed some new life into me and helped me step back and not feel as if I am drowning. Thanks Jen!
* My hearing is improving and the popping is decreasing. I think there is hope!
* My friend Boo (Bethany) came and visited our area this week and I was able to stay up late talking with her, share Kat’s yummy food, and listen to her sing her songs while basking in the sun.
* The great bedroom rearrangement project is mostly completed! The three children have beds and clothing in their correct rooms and the upstairs is mostly put back together again. The downstairs is still filled with the remnants of Keziah’s overstuffed bedroom, but we are ssssslllllloooooowwwwwwllllly getting on top of it.


* Sarah is teaching Blythe how to knit! I am so excited about Sarah joining us on Wednesdays for a little knitting time, a little conversation, and a little lunch. Super fun!

I don’t think I ever wrote about the adorable hat Sarah made for my Annesley. I had been oohing and aahing over this one that Jessica made and one day Sarah surprised me with a pink one for Miss Annes to wear! It almost makes winter look attractive. Okay, not really, but I am super excited for Annes to wear it all winter long!

Here it is, complete with 360 degree photos.






Isn’t it adorable????? I want a million more…that is one good reason for Blythe to learn to knit. I can indenture her for the rest of her life and beg her to make elf hats for me in a million different colors (giggle, giggle).


* Baby Easton is growing and nursing and growing and nursing and growing and nursing. Mikelle is learning about this miraculous journey of motherhood and it is changing her. So lovely to watch my little girl grow up and become a woman who can birth a baby, single-handedly sustain his life, and learn much about herself in the process. He will be four weeks old tomorrow!

Mikelle and Easton

Annes and Fisher now have named their doll babies, Baby Easton. So cute to see them taking care of their babies, wearing them in slings, nursing them, burping them, and changing their diapers. They will be wonderful mamas and papas some day.


Time to run Keziah to Liberty Girls!

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