Oct 23, 2010 by tracy
(Before I get started on all the latest Make It For Maggie news, I need to let my loyal readers know that posts will continue being posted below this one until Make It For Maggie is over, so scroll down for my thoughts on a myriad of other topics. This one will be on top until November 7th).
If you have been trying to make up your mind or trying to work out your schedule to come to Make It For Maggie, let me put a tickle in your ear…
Two pieces of exciting news!
1. Early Bird Registration has been extended until Monday at midnight! You must email either Kat at pynkhope@gmail.com or Tracy at tracy@wetoatmealkisses.com by Monday night with your class selection. Please mail your check on Monday to Katherine Jensen at 3506 Greenfield Dr., Ammon, ID 83406.
2. We are having a raffle!! Moments by Tyra Photography is donating a One Hour Family Photo Shoot w/ CD and copyright release. Anyone, attending or not, can buy raffle tickets by emailing Kat or Tracy how many tickets you want to purchase and sending your money in to Kat. Tickets are $2 each or 3 for $5.
Please spread the word about the raffle to help us earn even more money for Miss Maggie.

Our Make It For Maggie event is coming together and is going to be fabulous! This post has new photos, class descriptions, and oodles of information you need, so PLEASE read the whole post to make sure you don’t miss a single thing.
Make It For Maggie will be held at 2055 S. Ammon Road, the Stake Center (church building) on Ammon Road in between 17th Street and Sunnyside.
Updated Schedule

What are you waiting for? Register today and make sure you get the classes you want! Email Kat at pynkhope@gmail.com or me at tracy@wetoatmealkisses.com and tell us the classes you want, the sizes you need for sewing patterns, and any food you would like to bring from the menu down below. Mail checks payable to Katherine Jensen at 3506 Greenfield Dr., Ammon, ID 83406.
If you have already registered and would like to change your classes, please email Kat at pynkhope@gmail.com or me at tracy@wetoatmealkisses.com.
Class Descriptions
Twirl Skirt – Pattern will be available in whatever size you specify
Learn how to make this adorable skirt with two options: either with the strips of different fabrics or just one middle piece. This skirt is available in all sizes. Please specify child, junior, or misses and what size within those categories.

Wear Forever Dress
Size 6 months – 3T
Okay, you can’t really wear it forever, but three+ years is a pretty long time. The ingenious strap and buttoning system allows it to grow with your child for a really long time. Come and learn how to make one for the little girl in your life.
Model in the pictures below is the lovely Jain who is nearly four and it still fits!

Adult Wrap-Around Skirt
If any of you know Kat well, you have seen her wear her brown skirt. You can wear it when you are thin, pregnant, postpartum, overindulged, or on a great work-out plan. It just keeps fitting! As there is no standard sizing in the US, please give us a waist and hip measurement so we can make your pattern correctly.

Roll-up Market Bag
This bag is generously sized to hold plenty. Rolls up compactly to fit in pocket or purse so it’s always handy. Tote’s self-fabric tab with snap closure keeps it securely rolled when not in use. Measures 19 1/2″ W x 27″ H. Makes a perfect library bag, farmer’s market bag, or grocery bag and will hold an entire paper bag’s worth of groceries.

Mei Tai Baby Carrier
Every mom needs a baby carrier and mei tais are easy to make, easy to use, and enable you to carry your baby from birth to three+ years. This class will teach you how to make a Ball Baby Carrier, which is Kimber Tower’s pattern. I use this carrier and LOVE it. I have even sewn one of these carriers and if I can do it, anyone can!
Here is one of Keziah as a seven-year old carrying Annesley:

Here is the one I made:

Whole Wheat Bread Making
Learn how to make delicious bread that your family will love for pennies compared to what you pay at the store!
Marinara Sauce & Breadsticks
Mary Beth’s marinara sauce is quick and easy and so yummy you’ll wonder how you ever lived without this deliciousness. Learn how to make it and then go home and tempt your family’s taste buds.
Mexican Tortillas & Fresh Salsa & Beans
Laura is an amazing mother of two and creator of scrumptious, authentic Mexican food. I could eat her food every single day and never grow tired of it. She will be teaching us how to make her famous tortillas, salsa, and beans. Come and enjoy her delightful personality and learn how to make these staples of the Mexican diet.
Cracker Class
Carol will be teaching us how to make graham crackers and wheat thins. Homemade crackers are the best! Save money and get peace of mind by only putting ingredients that you can pronounce into your family’s bodies.
April’s Easy and Yummy Beans + The Wonderful World of Lentils
April’s beans are my favorite. I LOVE them. She is coming to teach us how to make them and have them on hand for your family to use every day. She promises that they are super easy and anyone can make them.
Kari makes lentils taste divine. Come learn how to make this cheap legume a featured item in your family’s diet. She will have some samples on hand for you to taste test…yummm!
Raw Foods
Raw foods are delicious, nutritious, enzyme-packed, great for your digestive system, and more creative than you ever dreamed of. Come learn how to make eating raw fit with your lifestyle and reap the benefits of more energy, weight loss, and improved health!
Sprouting grains and legumes increases the protein, minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and essential fatty acids your body gets. Come learn how to make sprouting work for you and taste a wide array of dishes made with sprouts.
Exercise Balls Workouts for Moms
Learn 10 things you can do in your home each day to improve your health, strength, and stamina!
Babywearing 101
Wearing your baby in a sling, mei tai, structured carrier, wrap, or pouch makes mothering a million times easier. Come learn how to use these contraptions to free up your hands, lighten your load, and help your baby feel secure.
Laughter Yoga
Laughter Yoga combines laughter with yoga breathing exercises for a one-hour workout session that includes 30 minutes of laughter. “Laughter truly is the best medicine,” says Anne Timpany, Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher and leader of the laughter sessions. “We all know that laughing feels good, and now scientific research is revealing the full range of physical and mental health benefits that come from the practice of laughter.” Come and enjoy an hour session and just see if your stress level doesn’t decrease!
Knitting and Crocheting Circle
Beginners and experienced knitters and crocheters will come together to learn the basics, improve on their skills, or work on their current project. Sarah will be there from 8 p.m. – 10 p.m. teaching and sharing her stitching know-how along with her fabulous gentle spirit.
Freezer Meals
Come learn how to cook one day and have food for a month! Save time and money and always have dinner on hand when you need it on those busy days when the time to cook gets lost in real-life living.
Come and learn how to save hundreds of dollars on your grocery bill each month! Rachel will teach us how to make it work for you on the things you buy already.
Ribbon Hair Bows
Come and learn how to make adorable bows and barrettes for the little girl in your life!
Calendula Super Skin Cream
Calendula, a plant that has been referred to as nature’s first-aid, has been used to heal skin for ages. Recommended for those with eczema and other skin sensitivities, it works wonderfully on diaper rash, minor cuts and scrapes, and on the face and body for replenishing extra-dry skin. Come and learn how to make it!
Fabric Flowers
Learn how to make flowers with fabric that you can use on dresses, purses, barrettes, or on headbands. Super cute!

Charting Your Cycle
Come and learn what your body is doing each day of the month and how to keep track of it all. Basal body temperatures, cervical fluid, and cervical position provide you with a wealth of knowledge you need to be able to properly schedule medical exams, start on medications, know when you can get pregnant, and what your hormones levels are. Absolutely essential information for every woman!
Intro to Essential Oils
Come and learn how and why essential oils work to improve health, provide emotional support, decrease pain, and treat infections. Learn about the top five oils every home should have on hand and how to use them.
On top of all these fabulous classes, we will have some Cricut Cutting Machines set up all day long. You may bring your own paper and cut to your heart’s delight. Make your Christmas cards, a paper doll dress-up set, baby announcements, scrapbooking pages, and lots more!
For those of you with some holes in your schedule, we will also have a quilt set up to tie for the Humanitarian Center. Come and learn how to tie a quilt, put in some stitches, and go home knowing you just helped make a blanket for someone in need!
If you cannot attend, but would like the patterns for the sewing projects and handouts from the classes, you may pay the entrance fee of $15 and you can get them! Just email pattern sizes and handouts desires at Kat pynkhope@gmail.com or me at tracy@wetoatmealkisses.com and we will get you taken care of!
Yes, prizes!!! We will be giving fabulous prizes away all day long. You can earn tickets by registering early (the earlier you register, the more tickets you get!), registering a friend we did not invite (yes, invite your neighbors, sisters, friends, church members!), bringing food, teaching a class, or volunteering to be on the clean-up crew.
If you would like to donate a prize, please email Kat at pynkhope@gmail.com or me at tracy@wetoatmealkisses.com.
Here is the menu for the day:
2:00 Snack
Fresh Fruit
6:00 Supper
Variety of Soups
Green Salads
8:00 Ice Cream Sundae Bar
Variety of Ice Creams
Strawberry Topping
Hot Fudge Topping
Caramel Topping
We have enough soups to feed everyone, but are still in need of everything else. If you would be willing to bring any of the above items, please email either Tracy or Kat and you will receive our endless love and gratitude!!
We will have some young ladies available to watch children on a limited basis. In leu of paying them, we are asking that you make an additional donation to Make It For Maggie. If you are need of babysitting, please let us know how many children and what ages so we can properly plan for them.
Late Registration
If you are one of those people who can’t make up their mind until the day of an event, you are in luck! We will be thrilled to have all of you procrastinators show up at the door and you can get in for $25. To get in for $15, please register and pay before October 30 or register TODAY and get lots of tickets for the prize drawing! The earlier you register the more tickets you get!
Did you notice the 6:00 time slot on the schedule? If not, go back up and look at it.
Drumroll : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
Yes!!! We are having dinner entertainment provided by the inimitable Improv Underground. Laugh your heart out while eating scrumptious food!
Share Make It For Maggie With Others
If you would like to share a flyer to share with friends, neighbors, church members, family members, etc. Download FLYER here (If the flyer link doesn’t work the first time, try again and it should work just fine.)
Make It For Maggie is going to be amazing! We are so excited to offer it to our community and to be working together with all of you to make a difference in this world. Please join us for a day of fun, friendship, and fabulous food all while learning and loving together.
p.s. If you are not in our local area and you would like to participate in Maggie’s Month: A Family Philanthropy Project, please visit Maggie’s Month for ideas on how you can help change the world for one little girl.
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